Click the yellow "Donate" button, If you would like to make a donation to help us achieve our goal.

Welcome to the "Funding" section of our web site. On August 20th 2018 we decided to finally make a long standing dream come true. So right now we are in the funding stages of our business plan. We are using our website as a "Crowd Funding" site. You may also know this process as a "kick-Starter". As time goes on we will add to the site.


It is our mission to create a business with the following goals:

1) To offer food allergy friendly foods and Services to our customers.

2) To raise funds to launch a food truck/catering business in the central Texas area.
3) To Initially launch in Catering and Food Truck services Austin, TX. and eventually add service to: Houston, TX, San Antonio, TX,Washington DC and Baltimore, MD.
4) To give back to the communities in which we serve and operate. This will be done in many ways but initially through services and charitable donations (please see the FAQ Page).
5) To have both a digital presence and a "Brick & Mortar " presence in the communities we serve.
6) To deploy innovative technologies to achieve all of the above, and have fun along the way.

We will initially start off with catering and food truck services. This will be provided to people at their place of business during breakfast and lunch meal times. The menu will include specialty beverages including: expresso, coffee, and other beverages. Healthy choices and international comfort food choices. "Imagine High quality, flavor rich food just outside your workplace." For those who already know what they want, imagine choosing and paying for your meal online so all you have to do is walk over? Using the best technology available in: food preparation, delivery, and CRM (Customer Relationship Management). we will be able to provide a high quality food experience to a wider range of patrons and businesses than what is currently done.

To Achieve our goals we need to raise $160,000.00 through "Crowd Funding".
We know to some this may seem like a lot however this is one of the reasons we chose crowd funding. Food trucks, licences and equipment are expensive and the profit margins on food related services is not huge, even when everything is open and running.
If everyone gives what is comfortable for them, then as a whole great things can be accomplished! We will update this website on a regular basis, If you have any questions please read our FAQ section or use the "Contact BaerGrillz With questions and/or requests" form to the right. Also please enjoy the articles and pictures of "Whats cooking in our kitchens". All pictures of food on this site are actual photographs of meals I have prepared unless otherwise stated directly in the description.
We do not give permission to use or copy these photographs for any purpose without explicit permission from us. Please enjoy your visit and feel free to comment or donate as you see fit. Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Adagio Con Brio - Slowly with Vigor.

Slowly with Vigor - A musical term that always makes me think of deliberation similar to Yen-Yang.  AKA Balance, Harmony.

I saw a very interesting post about adding sugar to spaghetti sauce.  In the picture it seemed to be quite a lot of sugar.
Source of pic is unknown from internet, several sites had same pic.  As we can not determine from the pic the size and depth of the pot nor the depth of the "Sugar Island"  I can not say if it is too much or not,  I can personally say it appears to be more than I would use if any at all.

Here is my response to sugar and a few other ingredients in recipes especially sauces.

I agree with what many people are saying that a little is ok.  Good tomatoes especially ripe "Roma" are naturally sweet and often don't need much sugar if any at all.  Many traditional tomato sauce (gravy, salsa, ragù, sugo) recipes use the technique of sauteing the tomatoes and herbs and garlic in olive oil before adding other liquids.  This brings out the caramelization in the tomatoes and garlic as well as enhances flavor of spices.

I believe every ingredient has a story to tell and as the chef you have to decide who is the star and who are the supporting actors. Then give them their parts accordingly.  I think my job as a chef is to bring out and\or balance flavor not hide it of change it entirely.  I can honestly say I don't always hit this lofty mark but it is always my goal.  Anyone can impose their will upon a dish but only a skilled cook can coax each ingredient to its full potential and create an "Experience" for the diner.  For this reason I think: Sugar, Salt, Hot Peppers, and Ketchup are often abused in many kitchens.  Don't get me wrong I use all of those ingredients myself but in moderation if at all.  lol

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